
My Journey

A creative director with a focus on cross-platform strategy, interactions, and brand identity. With an academic background in art and psychology coupled with rich experience in design, my work is people-centric. I believe in creating an engaging experience that is simple and delightful.

in design thinking

I work with Brands to bring ideas to life, in the form of product by giving it visual identity which is user friendly, interactive and engaging. I am driven by my passion to solve in the simple and delightful manner, grounded by years of experience to be able to acknowledge that one type does not fit all (so I use a combination of design style and methods to approach the problem solving) and proud to have worked with leading brands across the world.

Making it simple for users to interact and engage with a brand in the digital complex world, where innovation is at an all time high. Given my background in psychology, seamless user experience comes first to me and accordingly I apply the design principles to achieve the desired outcome.

Helping brands reach its targeted audience as part of their digital portfolio. From designing and delivering logos, typography, content layout, styling, storytelling to marketing, social media and event creatives, I have been able to solidify my graphic design portfolio over a decade now.

Infusing brands with emotions and helping them create a beautiful and engaging storyline for their brand and products. I worked with brands on concept photoshoots, video directions for various product types and successfully designed and managed corporate events for private and government organisations.

The process













My current
& Xs

Work History


M.Sc Psychology - Annamalai University
B.Sc Psychology - Annamalai University
Diploma in Fine Arts - Delhi Collage of Arts
Diploma in Visuals - Anitoons

My Wands

My magic wands are Adobe Creative suite | Figma | Sketch | Principal | Microsoft Office ..

As the design trends are always evolving and so are the tools. Being a curious individual I keep exploring and working with new tools.

Proud to work with

I will bring to the table, knowledge about business, technology, designing, consumer psychology, and the ability to interact with stakeholders at various levels. I am a great team player with a hands-on leadership style as I like to get into the details as needed to translate ideas into visual interactions.

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